Le château Frontenac






Scaffolding for Masonry Repairs

System scaffolding and Walkways
Taking Measurements on Board of an Aerial Platform
Reinforcement of the Steel Structure and Stabilization of the Turrets
Stone Repair and Brick Replacement

Scaffolding for Masonry Repairs

System scaffolding and Walkways

System scaffolding is ideal for custom configurations. The lack of bracing makes it a good solution for masonry work involving heavy stones because there’s lots of space to move materials.

Taking Measurements on Board of an Aerial Platform

The scaffold design team worked with the masons to design a structure to access the turrets on the roof. Scaffolding on the ground provided structural support for walkways to the turrets and the interior courtyard.

Reinforcement of the Steel Structure and Stabilization of the Turrets

The turrets were stabilized by removing sections of stone to work on the steel structure. Our masons dismantled the masonry in order to reinforce the steel columns and beams and treat them against corrosion.

Stone Repair and Brick Replacement

We replaced and resurfaced stones, repaired veneers, and carried out insert repairs on the facades. The bricks were stained by hand.

Great Collaboration

We were well prepared for this project. We designed a structure that transferred the weight of the scaffolding and equipment to the ground rather than the roofs. Plus, the masonry team was able to work during the winter without affecting the guests.
Scaffolding Superintendent

Le château le plus photographié au monde

C’est avec fierté et dévouement que l’équipe a travaillé pour de conserver cet emblème de notre paysage architectural.

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Media Appearances
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News about our team, achievements, and community involvement. Our work stands the test of time, and we are constantly striving to become even better.

Photo d'équipe avec le chèque du montant amassé final
Atwill-Morin at the Winter Triathlon for the Sainte-Justine UHC Foundation
On February 21, several Atwill-Morin teams proudly took part in the Sainte-Justine UHC Foundation Winter Triathlon. For several years,...
Les trois panélistes
Atwill-Morin welcomes Les Elles de la Construction
To start the year on a high note, we had the pleasure of welcoming our partners, Les Elles de la Construction, to our Montreal offices...
Proud to announce the creation of Atwill-Morin LCM
Atwill-Morin is known as an industry leader in heritage conservation. We are very proud to announce the creation of a new division...

Media Appearances
Community Involvement

News about our team, achievements, and community involvement. Our work stands the test of time, and we are constantly striving to become even better.

Photo d'équipe avec le chèque du montant amassé final
Atwill-Morin at the Winter Triathlon for the Sainte-Justine UHC Foundation
On February 21, several Atwill-Morin teams proudly took part in the Sainte-Justine UHC Foundation Winter Triathlon. For several years,...
Les trois panélistes
Atwill-Morin welcomes Les Elles de la Construction
To start the year on a high note, we had the pleasure of welcoming our partners, Les Elles de la Construction, to our Montreal offices...
Proud to announce the creation of Atwill-Morin LCM
Atwill-Morin is known as an industry leader in heritage conservation. We are very proud to announce the creation of a new division...
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