600 De La Gauchetière Ouest
Innovative access and protection systems

Mast climbers are quiet and reliable. They allow workers to work on the facades and access the roof. They give access to more storeys than traditional scaffolding and necessitate anchoring. The masts are anchored in the building’s steel structure and fit into the peripheral shelter system that surrounds the skyscraper.

On this site, mast climbers are mainly used to bring materials into the Upbrella structure that surrounds the tower.

This new scaffolding system provides an inviting experience. Lighting and signage can be integrated to these sidewalk sheds.

These sidewalk sheds provide a flexible, practical and cost effective solution capable of addressing many of the issues of traditional hoardings.

Innovative access and protection systems

Mast climbers are quiet and reliable. They allow workers to work on the facades and access the roof. They give access to more storeys than traditional scaffolding and necessitate anchoring. The masts are anchored in the building’s steel structure and fit into the peripheral shelter system that surrounds the skyscraper.

On this site, mast climbers are mainly used to bring materials into the Upbrella structure that surrounds the tower.

This new scaffolding system provides an inviting experience. Lighting and signage can be integrated to these sidewalk sheds.

These sidewalk sheds provide a flexible, practical and cost effective solution capable of addressing many of the issues of traditional hoardings.
This is the Future of Sidewalk Hoarding

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