An employer who cultivates a strong team spirit, who shows respect and consideration for its contributors.


Keep Building Better


Join a family that values best practices and continuous improvement. We’re all about innovation, challenges, and helping our employees grow. We offer an open, responsive, respectful, and close-knit work environment where team spirit runs deep.

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Our Values

  • Family: We hold a regular schedule of social events to recognize our employees’ hard work. Everyone at Atwill-Morin is part of the family. We value team spirit and collaboration.
  • Passion: Our workers enjoy the freedom that comes from trust: the trust of our managers. It’s another way we show respect for our profession and the legacy we continue to build every day.
  • Safety: In our line of work, adherence to standards and best practices is vital to everyone’s well-being. We also believe in promoting healthy lifestyles.
  • Innovation: Respect for a job well done and the love of a good challenge are part of our identity as builders. That’s why our employees have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources.

Our Values

  • Family: We hold a regular schedule of social events to recognize our employees’ hard work. Everyone at Atwill-Morin is part of the family. We value team spirit and collaboration.
  • Passion: Our workers enjoy the freedom that comes from trust: the trust of our managers. It’s another way we show respect for our profession and the legacy we continue to build every day.
  • Safety: In our line of work, adherence to standards and best practices is vital to everyone’s well-being. We also believe in promoting healthy lifestyles.
  • Innovation: Respect for a job well done and the love of a good challenge are part of our identity as builders. That’s why our employees have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources.

The Atwill-Morin Lifestyle

POV :  Mélyssa vous présente notre congrès des contremaîtres 2025 🎥


POV : Mélyssa presents our 2025 Foremen’s Conference 🎥

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Retour sur une campagne inspirante 📸
Depuis plusieurs années, nous sommes ravis de soutenir Capes for Kids, l’initiative de l’hôpital @hollandbloorview qui finance des programmes essentiels, des recherches et des services pour aider les enfants en situation de handicap à bouger, communiquer et s’épanouir.

Cette année encore, les hommes-araignées d’Atwill-Morin ont pris de la hauteur en escaladant les murs de l’hôpital, apportant joie et sourires aux enfants et à leurs familles. 🦸


Looking back on an inspiring campaign 📸
For several years, we’ve been proud to support Capes for Kids, the Holland Bloorview initiative that funds essential programs, research, and services to help children with disabilities move, communicate, and thrive.

Once again this year, Atwill-Morin’s Spidermen took to new heights, scaling the hospital walls and bringing joy and smiles to children and their families. 🦸

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🏆 Atwill-Morin Among Montreal’s Top Employers in 2025!

We are proud to be recognized in the prestigious Montreal’s Top Employers 2025 ranking, announced by Mediacorp Canada Inc. 🎉 This distinction highlights our commitment to our team’s well-being and our innovative initiatives, such as:

✅ A wide range of paid training programs;
✅ Partnership with Brick Recyc, a sustainable solution for brick reuse;
✅ Fewer workplace accidents compared to our industry;
✅ Active community engagement.

We firmly believe that safety, innovation, and environmental responsibility are key to building a sustainable future while taking care of our big family. ❤️

#MTLTopEmployers #TopEmployers2025 @topemployers

🏆 Atwill-Morin parmi les meilleurs employeurs de Montréal en 2025 !

Nous sommes fiers d’être reconnus dans le prestigieux classement des Meilleurs employeurs de Montréal 2025, annoncé par Mediacorp Canada Inc. 🎉 Cette distinction reflète notre engagement envers le bien-être de notre équipe et nos initiatives innovantes, comme :

✅ Une foule de formations rémunérées ;
✅ Affiliation avec Brick Recyc, une solution écologique pour réutiliser les briques ;
✅ Moins d’accidents de travail par rapport à notre secteur d’activité ;
✅ Un engagement communautaire actif.

Nous croyons fermement que la santé sécurité, l’innovation et le respect de l’environnement sont essentiels pour bâtir un avenir durable, tout en prenant soin de notre grande famille. ❤️

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Démolition en vue de travaux de réfection de maçonnerie qui impliqueront l’installation d’ancrages hélicoïdaux, le remplacement ponctuel de briques et le traitement des linteaux structuraux.   


Demolition in preparation for masonry repair work, which will involve the installation of helical anchors, localized brick replacement, and the treatment of structural lintels.

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Louis et l’équipe de services spécialisés relèvent des défis hors du commun, avec @nationalinc


Louis and the specialized services team take on extraordinary challenges.

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Matthew Atwill-Morin en entrevue à LCN - À vos affaires 27 février 2025 - Atwill-Morin et l`approvionnement local - Comment réagir à la menace de tarifs de Trump ? ...

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Our team is restoring Queen’s Park statues, at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.  Queen’s Park was named in Her Majesty Queen Victoria’s honour in September 1860 by Her son, the Prince of Wales (later Edward VII). #Restoration#Preservation #Heritage #Masonry #Toronto


Notre équipe restaure les statues de Queen’s Park, à l’Assemblée législative de l’Ontario. Queen’s Park a été nommé en l’honneur de Sa Majesté la Reine Victoria en septembre 1860 par son fils, le prince de Galles (Edward VII). #Restauration #Préservation #Patrimoine #Maçonnerie #Toronto

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Fiers d`avoir participé au Triathlon d`hiver de la @fondation_saintejustine encore une fois cette année. L`événement a permis d`amasser plus de 810 000$ pour soutenir les mères et les enfants du @chustejustine.

📷 @jimmy.hamelin et

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Dear Partners, we are reaching out to invite you to be a hero for kids and families at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital by supporting our Capes for Kids fundraising campaign!

Our Atwill-Morin superheroes are going above and beyond—literally! On March 3rd, our team will be rappelling down the building to entertain the kids at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and raise funds for the @hollandbloorviewfoundation.

Your donation—big or small—will help fund essential programs that are not covered by government funding, including creative arts, life skills, and research that helps kids with disabilities move, communicate, and fully participate in the world around them.

🌟 Donate today and be a real-life superhero! 🌟 Link in the comments.

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