Photo d'équipe avec le chèque du montant amassé final

Atwill-Morin at the Winter Triathlon for the Sainte-Justine UHC Foundation

On February 21, several Atwill-Morin teams proudly took part in the Sainte-Justine UHC Foundation Winter Triathlon. For several years, Nicolas Croteau, Vice President of Strategy & Growth at Atwill-Morin Group, has served as Honorary Co-Chair of the event. Once again, our teamwork and commitment made a difference, contributing to an impressive $810,000 raised during the event.

Organized by L’élan pour Sainte-Justine, the Winter Triathlon brings together over 400 participants each year, all driven by the same goal: supporting mothers and children at Sainte-Justine UHC.

Over the past 19 years, this incredible event has raised nearly $10 million to help Sainte-Justine’s teams continue their vital work.

Photo d'équipe avec le chèque du montant amassé final Un duo participant au triathlon Un participant en ski de fond Un duo participant au triathlon Le public encourageant les participants La mascotte avec des enfants Une participante au ski de fond Une bannière installée sur le site du triathlon

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